Monday, February 13, 2012


GEORGE CAREY, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has just noticed that Christianity is facing 'gradual marginalisation'. (Cue double-forte rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus by massed Albert Hall choirs.) Plugging his book, We Don't Do God, he announces: "There are forces at work in Western society hollowing out the values of Christianity and driving them to the margins."

Now you tell us, George! It's a pity you didn't detect these dark forces several years ago when they were blindingly obvious to the rest of us. For example, when the BBC was poisoning the airwaves with Gerry Springer - the Opera and similar works of 'artistic expression'. Since then, due mainly to your church's misplaced policy of appeasing secularism, it's been downhill all the way.

The National Secular Society, the BBC and the Gaydian newspaper are now calling the shots. Prayers have been banned at council meetings; Christian adoption agencies have been forced to close; medical staff face dismissal for shunning abortions; nurses who wear crosses (that hated symbol for atheists) and pray for patients are victimised... the persecution intensifies with each perverse judgment handed down by a secular judiciary. Marginalisation has given way to a crusade against religious belief.

Much of this might have been prevented if George and his flock had not been obsessed with gender equality and homosexual rights but focused instead on their prime duty of upholding the Christian faith. Now what remains of the Anglican Church, under the leadership of an equally weak cartoon character, is left with a mountain to climb. Still, it's good you've finally seen the light George. Better late than never.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Adam. If there had been less time spent on equality issues eg women priests, there might have been more time to promote justice for other issues - the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.
