Mention the words 'same sex mariage' and the ineluctable Stephen Fry can be relied on to lend his substantial weight to the argument. In the face of growing opposition to the cringe-inducing proposal, this charmless individual (he calls real men 'pussy-bashers', heterophobia being acceptable on TV) has launched a campaign video condemning 'screeching extremists'. It's a characteristically venomous rant denouncing just about everyone who disagrees with him, in particular, of course, the Christian Church.
Central to what passes for his argument is the claim that some animal species display 'gay tendencies' but only human beings exhibit homophobia (fear of homosexuals). How deluded can you get? There is absolutely no way we fear homosexuals. It is they who are heterophobic (fearing heterosexual relationships). Sure, certain species of animals, notably dogs and pigs, exhibit gay tendencies but only when they are deprived of opportunities to mate naturally. The difference between these animals and human beings is that the latter adopt this form of behaviour from choice.
They choose to reject natural procreative -- dare one say God-given -- sexuality in favour of a perverse and dangerously unhealthy habit. Fair enough, that's a matter for them. We won't go into detail on the escalating cost to the NHS of treating the consequences. We simply believe, in our quietly screeching Christian way, that marriage is an essentially dignified institution.
In any objective analysis, a lifestyle that is clearly inconsistent with human dignity cannot qualify for inclusion.
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