Monday, February 4, 2013

Apocalypse soon?

Sorry to interrupt the onging speculation about apocalyptic over-population, dwindling food stocks and antibiotic-resistant viruses but it seems there's a threat to the planet of more immediate concern. On February 15 this year a 150ft chunk of space rock known as Asteroid 2012 DA14, will hurtle past the Earth at a distance of 17,000 miles  -- well below the orbit of our communications satellites and an extermely narrow squeak in cosmic terms.

That's assuming the astronomers have got it right, of course. Why should we question the impeccable calculations of these expert scientists? Well, because the asteroid has been making a regular approach to our planet every year but they only noticed it by chance a few months ago. So their predictions do not exacly fill us with confidence. What if they are mistaken? Asteroid 2012 DA 14 is travelling at 17,400 mph. If it struck Earth it would do so with the power of a 2.25 megaton hydrogen bomb. The impact would be sufficient to destroy an area the size of Greater London.

We're told there are another 500,000 rocks circling planet Earth -- and they're just the ones the infallible, omniscient scientists have noticed! How many more remain undetected, waiting to inflict the ultimate solution to global over-population? Those who put their faith in science rather than in God may one day supply an answer. Until then -- keep praying!

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