Friday, September 20, 2013

Dinosaurs and dung beetles

Nick Clegg, variously described as Deputy Prime Minister and Chief Clown of the Politically Correct State Circus, has used his Lib-Dem party conference speech to mock opponents of same sex "marriage". He described them as "dinosaurs". It remains to be seen if he will retract the insult as he did last year when he called supporters of traditional marriage bigots.

On that occasion he blamed his officials, claiming he would "never use such language" (although, of course, he did) and that he respected those who disagreed with him. There was precious little respect in his speech to fellow PC clones at their annual jamboree. The Coalition for Marriage has advised members to complain to their MPs, saying they are "disappointed" that Clegg would stoop to intemperate language and name calling.

The Coalition says polls show millions of people do not support the redefinition of marriage and that they should not be written off in contemptuous terms. Members are advised to tell their MPs they are personally offended by Clegg's ill-chosen remarks and intolerant attitude. All of which is far too feeble and deferential a response in my opinion.

I believe respect and politeness are wasted on this individual. He needs to be made aware that he does not have a monopoly of offensive free speech. Nor does he have exclusive access to the natural world when choosing his metaphors. He should be told directly: if we are dinosaurs then you are a dung beetle.

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